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Prayer Topics and Updates

You can keep up to date with our Prayer topics and Updates on this page. 

Each week we will ensure that current information is published so you can Pray in an informed way.

Please use this information at any time, either during our Sunday Meetings and for your own quiet times of Prayer.

If you have any Prayer requests and would like to be included, please contact us either by phone or email.

Ken: 646705403

Carol 665186901                                email:


or go to our  Contact Us page

Thank God for all the answered Prayers we see day by day.

Susan, Stuart's wife went to be with her Lord and Saviour on Saturday 10th February.  We pray for Stuart, Rachel, Cath, Sarah and all the family at this difficult time.  Susan will be missed.

Please continue to pray for Annastasair as she deals all sorts of health issues.

Please Pray for Laurie.

Sue's sister Ann is not well, she has now been told that she has 2 years to live she and the family need your Prayers.

Continue to hold Arthur and Marge in Prayer.  Arthur has now been diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer.  He will have 6 sessions of chemotherapy to help, but he ahs been told it will not cure him. Arthur and Marge need our prayers.

Please remember the BEHIVE FOUNDATION, who we support finanacially, 

We are all aware of the current situations around the World .  Please pray for the leaders, for the civilians caught up in all the conflicts and for the soldiers.

Please Pray for the ongoing work in Bulgaria and that Michelle will continue to spread Gods Word there.


Rachel and Sjoerd work in Niger. 

​Ask God how you can help? Perhaps a lonely neighbour or an email or call to someone who comes to mind. Financial help if you are aware someone is struggling and so on.


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